State Exam Tutor
Our online Larson Exam Tutor software utilizes sample questions and answers that the Larson Educational Services curriculum team has compiled to best prepare you for success on your exam. We have broken out the questions into key testable areas and you can select which areas to focus on.
Not only do you get to see the correct answers for questions, but you will also be given the rationale behind why it is the correct answer. You will also be provided scores for your selection of questions so that you track your learning progress.
It's like having your own tutor at your side as you prepare for the exam.
Tuition: $69
What's Included?
- The Principles of Community Living
- The Governing Documents
- Community Association Meetings
- Budget and Financial Management
- Insurance and Management
Your purchase is good for 120 days or until all questions have been answered, whichever comes first.
You will be provided with 5 attempts of each question.
See How To Obtain a CAM License for more information.
What the Tutor looks like
In the images down below, you can see what our Florida CAM State Exam Tutor looks like.
- You can choose 1 or more topics of study
- Each topic can be completed a total of 5 times
- If you choose an incorrect answer, your selection will be highlighted in RED and the correct answer will be highlighted in GREEN.
- Regardless if you choose the correct or incorrect answer, an explanation will be provided.
- If you need to take a break and want to resume where you previously left off, clicking the Save Session button allows you to save your progress so you can come back to that same question the next time you log in.
- When you've completed the questions for a selected topic, "Your Results" page will display your scores as you progress through the program.
- For the best experience, please use Chrome, Firefox, and Edge as they are the best web browsers for our platform.

Topic selection image

Incorrect answer image

Correct answer image

Results summary image